Parent or Legal Guardian's Name
First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Player 1: Name
First Name
Last Name
Player 1: Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Player 1: Grade (2025-26 school year)
Player 1: Previous experience
Select One
Yellow Core
Yellow Core 2
Neither, but approved via Murray Hill Tennis evaluation
Special Needs: Player 1
NO mental, social or emotional concerns
Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD
Psychiatric (Depression, OCD, Panic/Anxiety)
Has a learning challenge (Disability)
Has seen or is currently seeing a professional
Other mental, social or emotional health concern
2nd Player's Name (if applicable)
First Name
Last Name
Player 2: Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Player 2 Grade (2025-26 school year)
Player 2: Previous experience
Select One
Yellow Core
Yellow Core 2
Neither, but approved via Murray Hill Tennis evaluation
Special Needs: Player 2
NO mental, social or emotional concerns
Diagnosed with ADD or ADHD
Psychiatric (Depression, OCD, Panic/Anxiety)
Has a learning challenge (Disability)
Has seen or is currently seeing a professional
Other mental, social or emotional health concern
Emergency Contact Cell
Administration of Medication
Please check one of the following
I DO NOT allow Murray Hill Tennis & Fitness to administer over the counter and/or prescription medications to camper(s).
I DO allow Murray Hill Tennis & Fitness to administer over the counter and/or prescription medications to camper(s).
Cancelation/Change Policy:
It is understood that there will be no refunds of camp fees in the event of absence or withdrawal of any participant for any reason whatsoever, regardless of illness, voluntary withdrawal or conduct deemed unsatisfactory by the club.
If you need to cancel your child's week of camp, in order to receive an account credit (no refunds), you must notify us in writing more than 14 days in advance of the first day. All such cancelations will be subject to a $75 withdrawal fee. If you cancel within 14 days prior to the start, there will be no credits or refunds. If you need to change your child’s week of camp, it must be done at least 14 days prior to the registered week of camp (space permitting). All change requests must be submitted in writing ( For any changes or transfers there will be a $25 per transaction administrative fee.
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: Enroll and pay in full by April 15, 2025 for 10% off.
Acknowledgement of Cancelation/Change Policy:
By checking this box, I accept and agree to the Cancelation/Change Policy.
Rules and Regulations:
I understand and will comply with Murray Hill Tennis & Fitness camp regulations, which are subject to
change. I acknowledge Murray Hill Tennis & Fitness reserves the right to remove campers from the
camp for conduct that is deemed detrimental to other campers, camp staff or property. Make up
sessions will not be given for missed sessions for any reason. All camp images, pictures and/or videos may be used to advertise Murray Hill Tennis & Fitness.
I have read and agree to the above.
Assumption of Risk:
Any athletic or physical activity involves certain risk. The undersigned parent/legal guardian of Player assume the risk of any and all accidents or injuries of any kind, including death, that may be sustained by, or in connection with the facilities and release, hold the club harmless, discharge and absolve the club, its officers, owners, agents and employees, from any and all liability or responsibility in connection therewith. I understand that Murray Hill Tennis & Fitness is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged valuables or property.
I/we have read this assumption of risk and waiver of liability, fully understand its terms, understand that I/we have given up material rights by agreeing to it and agree to it freely and voluntarily without any inducement.
Payment is due in full at the time of registration. On the next screen, you will be directed to select your camper's weeks and pay in full.
I have read and agree to the above
How did you hear about our camp?